Thursday, 9 February 2012

Individual Responsibility In Leadership Training Middle East

In contemporary organizations liability for activities become quickly diffused so that "the personal often becomes turned off from the repercussions of his or her activities and doesn't feel individually accountable for them" (Trevino and Nelson, 2005, p. 181). There are many reasons why liability is quickly diffused in leadership training middle east companies such as the fact that management may tell people it is not their liability and that they will take care of it, because it is often "shared with others in decision-making categories, hidden by the business structure, or watered down by psychological range to potential victims" who will experience the repercussions of the activities (p. 181).

Many leadership training Middle East companies have experienced downsizing these days. Many of these illustrations can be used as an example of how liability for negative activities can be spread within a company. For many decades, I was an administrator of a worldwide exercising team for a huge drug company. Because of financial difficulties it was established that my team would have to be reduced. While our team was centered in Western countries and the Center Eastern, the globally head office of the company was centered in New You are able to Town. It was established that the choice of who would be cut from the team would be created with feedback from myself, the mature management of the exercising team, HR and mature professionals of the area. I was the only personal who realized these people on a personal basis. All the others only realized them from a range as they were each centered in New you are able to Town.

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